The rush to get through the minimum necessary to run a normal life can keep people from seeing or experiencing the beauty around them. They may take it for granted when someone smiles, or they could ignore the art work newly placed in their local park. Walking past the graceful person they work next to may be part of what they are missing. Some may even find there is little or no beauty in their life because they are too busy to see it.

Slowing down and admiring beauty would be good for many people today. They may not realize the world is rushing them into a place where it may no longer exist because they are unable to recognize it. Experiencing and sharing the beautiful world of today should be a priority that helps people understand that even the darkest of days offer a bit of light in the modern world.


Creating Beauty and Happiness

When one person smiles at another, the other person will generally smile in return. There is no hard and fast rule that this must be...

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Happy Surprises

It's the little things in life that can often bring us the most happiness. Those moments when we're least expecting it and something delightful comes...

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Learning Appreciation

When It comes to beauty, many people seem to believe it is only a visual experience. There are many ways to enjoy the beauty of...

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Good Hearted People

It's easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. We are constantly pressured by society to have certain expectations or...

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The Beauty of Maturity

Getting old and wrinkled is something many people have tried countless ways to avoid and look for ways to maintain youthful looks. The beauty...

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Thicker Than Water

Making time to bond with your family is an important part of developing strong mental health. Family bonds help to provide a support system and...

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Unexpected Beauty

Walking through life is often about hurrying from task to task. Getting everything done each day may rob people of the ability to admire the...

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Beauty On Your Doorstep

Working from home has its challenges, but one unexpected perk is getting to appreciate the beauty of your surroundings on a whole new level. From...

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Sharing a Beautiful World

A healthy mental outlook often depends upon being able to connect with other people. There are times when depression, anxiety, and even stress can stop...

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Potential for Beauty Seekers

Have you ever wished there was a simple and natural way to look more beautiful?  There is a solution called  Breathwork. By practicing the art of...

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The Beauty of Kindness

Depression can be an incredibly lonely and isolating experience, but research has found that one of the most effective strategies for managing depression is simply...

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Life is Often Taken For Granted

We often take life for granted, going through the motions day after day without really stopping to appreciate it. Yes, there are days that can...

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Slowing Down To Savour Life

In a world that moves at breakneck speed, where our schedules are packed and our minds are inundated with information, the art of slowing down...

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The Grace in Movement

Attending a professional ballet is one way to appreciate gracefulness, but it is only one part of life. There may be a person in the...

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